Top 7 Ways to SEO Optimize your Post/Blog/Artical

As you know, SEO means Search Engine Optimization. Simply put, this is how search engines like,, and others present your page in user searches on their sites.

Before we get started with 5 simple tips for effective SEO, it is important to divide these tips into two areas based on their location:

On page optimization:

Concerned with the optimization of actual web pages, including HTML code, text and graphic content.

Off Page Optimization:

Off-page optimization involves issues such as backlinks (hyperlinks to your website from other websites, applications, and networks).

1. Create SEO Friendly Blog Post Titles.

Listings are important for SEO. They do this because they are producers or refugees. When writing something, always pay attention to the title of the post. Make your name simple, fun, descriptive and memorable so people know what your name is and what they want. A better way is to put yourself in the searcher's shoes when you find the name and imagine how you would search on Google if you were looking for this type of content. Keep it 70 characters or less (otherwise search engines will truncate it before displaying it).

2. Improve the quality of your content.

If you think "content" is not important for SEO, think again! Your content is the most important part of your website. When writing, do not copy and paste from other sources, do not combine content, do not fill it with images and multimedia files, and do not write less than 300 words. These will have a big impact on your score

So write first, use the keywords in the situation instead of using them randomly (like I'm not using SEO here, I'm using SEO in the next line), as much as you can use everywhere. make sure your name is correct so it appears in image search; for example, an image named "img009.jpg" will not appear in the image search, but "tips_to_success.jpg" will appear in the middle of the search results. The best way is to use the content and divide it into H1/H2/H3 etc. It is to properly wrap it in HTML tags like. (search engines love this content). Also, please check the length of your blog posts.

3. Keywords are keys.

Keywords are terms that others will use to search for your content. While keywords are important for SEO, don't flood your website with content. This will make your content look like spam to spiders and they will ignore it from now on.

Best when you choose your name (and include your keywords as I did above) Once the SEO keyword is added to the title, use it elsewhere. The URL page, opening and closing paragraphs, and the body of the article are where they are needed so it doesn't sound awkward. You can also use anchor text to link to relevant resources inside and outside your site

Add keywords to your URL Publish using custom permalinks

4. Meta-tags are important, but not 'that' much

If we had⠀been⠀living in⠀early part⠀of 21st⠀century,⠀meta tags⠀might have⠀done all⠀the SEO⠀for your⠀site.⠀Unluckily,⠀we aren't.⠀Google and⠀other⠀search⠀engines⠀have long⠀left using⠀meta-tags⠀for⠀finding⠀site⠀information.⠀Hence, if⠀someone⠀tells you⠀meta-tagging⠀is all you⠀need for⠀your sites⠀SEO, tell⠀them it⠀isn't

Nevertheless,⠀it's⠀important⠀that you⠀use your⠀keywords⠀in your⠀meta-data.⠀Some⠀themes⠀already do⠀that for⠀you, if⠀they don't⠀(you can⠀check that⠀using page⠀source or⠀using view⠀source⠀code from⠀browser),⠀don't⠀sweat. You⠀can use⠀3rd party⠀plugins⠀like All⠀in One SEO⠀Pack and⠀Scribe

5. Socialize.

Get others talking about your website and sharing your content on social media sites or blogs. It works better when higher ranking websites link to your site in some way. This will make the spider think that you are the important person everyone is talking about today and will increase your score considerably. Leave comments on other sites, make friends with bloggers (the best in the industry) and get them to comment on your site. These little things are very important and can improve your website's SEO.

6. Link in and Link-Out.

Hyperlinks or links are important from an SEO perspective. You can use them to link to other pages, networks and posts, or even to your previous posts (also called inbound or backlinks) using a keyword anchor element.

Or better yet, get others to join you by sharing your content on their sites or social media networks.

As mentioned earlier, an even better link building strategy is hosting

7. Write Often.

Sites that publish new content every day or twice a week will still rank better than sites that publish every two weeks. The quality of incoming content keeps spiders coming to your site regularly, resulting in better rankings and improved SEO. Trust me; Your website's ranking is in your hands, not in the hands of Google or Yahoo. SEO is all about doing things in a smart and smart way. Follow these 7 steps to do good SEO on your website and you will see the difference in front of Google. . This is what SEO means!

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